Tuesday 18 November 2008

Hemp Applications #4

There are many uses for hemp fibers. Of multiple sizes, these fibers can be substitutes for most non-natural materials applied in the Textile Industry and construction. I already wrote here about hemp lime and thermal insulators.

The hemp fibers can also serve as substitute for glass fibers in several applications, for example in the construction of surfboards.

One of the companies that already use this technology is the North American Us Hemp Co. Hemp fibers replace the glass fiber, a material that uses in its production hazardous solvents.

The blocks of polyurethane, the board's core, are one of the least biodegradable materials. There are already alternatives, like wood or cork with low density and light weight with which you can build hollow boards.

An example of this method is explained on the site of Paul Jensen, who was in Portugal to give a workshop a few months ago. Another brand of eco-surfboards you might find interesting is the Ocean Green.
Us Hemp Co boards never cost less than 500 euros.

Monday 10 November 2008

Posters #4

Another North-American movie from the 40's! The national campaign against the consumption of marijuana, funded by the government, led to a widespread abandonment of industrial hemp production in the United States. Today we know that behind this financing operation was the cotton industry. The cotton crop is largely beneficial to the industry of pesticides and chemical fertilizers and is consequently a more harmful to the environment.

Test, Ray - 1942 - USA

This and other "stories" can be read in the book "Hemp: A short Story of the most mishunderstood plant and its uses and abuses" from Mark Bourrie (Paperback).

Hemp Applications #3

Hemp Seeds for human consumption are already on sale in many places. The Biomiósotis and Biocoop , both Organic food supermarkets in Lisbon are just two examples. The hemp seeds are formed in 35% of essential fatty acids, a ratio of omega 3 and 6 ideal for human health and evidence of their food intake are dated to at least 3,000 years. In the picture, the packaging of Davert, which costs between 2 and 3 euros and is 250g.

Hemp Applications #2

The hemp lime is an environmentally friendly construction material that presents several advantages in its application.

It's 7 times stronger than concrete, has half the weight and it's much more elastic which provides more flexibility in their use. Studies indicate that per m 2 of concrete, are released 200kg of CO 2 , which represents, in developed countries, almost half of the annual emissions of this greenhouse effect gas. Moreover for each m 2 of hemp lime applied, 23kg of CO 2 are removed of the atmosphere (CO 2 set over the life of the plant).

There are several brands that sell this product in Europe:

Hemcrete, Canobiote, Canosmose

With a thermal conductivity of λ = 0.07W / mk and a resistance after 90 days of 0.9Mpa, the great disadvantage of hemp lime is the price of around 107 euros per square 3 .

A detailed technical description can be found at:

http://www.backtoearth.co.uk/downloads/hemcrete_detailed.pdf (English)

Here is a list of some producers of cement hemp:

http://www.chanvre.oxatis.com /



Posters #3

Gasnier, Louis - 1938 - USA

Hemp Applications #1

One of the most common uses of hemp fibers are the coating of thermal insulation for buildings.

According to Quercus to build a sustainable and appropriate energy efficiency of buildings reduces 40% to 50% of CO 2 and up to 40% of national energy consumption .

In Portugal, when insulation systems are used, products made from extruded polystyrene are the most common choice. These materials are very little environmentally "friendly".

The green roofs made of hemp fibers are one of the best thermal and acoustic insulation systems on the market, with a heat capacity of about 1700 calories J / Kg.K and a thermal conductivity of around 0040 W / mK (the extruded polystyrene rounds 0036 W / mK).

The market price is around 5.6 euros per square meter, cheaper than some types of coverage of polystyrene. For each kg of hemp coverage applied 1.4 kg of CO2 is recovered.

The following is a list of some producers of Hemp roofing insulators :

EcoMerchant (England)
HempFlax (Germany)
NaturalDeco (England)
Agrofibra (Spain)

Posters #2

Clifton, Elmer - 1937 - USA